Debating for America

Monday, March 27, 2006

What is this?

I wanted to create a place that attempts to build new political consensus along logical, non-partisan lines.

I firmly believe that instead of just promoting our own perspectives and biases and then attempting to shout each other down, we will be far better off sharing our own perspectives and empathetically listening to each other and learning so that our individual philosophies can grow.

What is encouraged:
1. Thoughtful arguments that support one position or another on an issue.
2. Thoughtful questioning responses and constructive criticism that will force posters to deepen their positions.
3. Synthesis of arguments that shows growth and ability to learn from others' perspectives.
4. Personal testimonies and experiences that are shared not as absolute truths, but as one person's view.

What is discouraged:
1. Name-calling, personal attacks and other destructive debate tactics. If you are not clear on what this means, you will be directed here:

If I call you an "idiot" that's name-calling. If I call your argument "ignorant", it's not name-calling, but it's not constructive if there's not some substantive assessment of the original argument included. For example: "You're a racist!" NO. "The differing treatment under your plan of people based on their ethnicity and/or place of origin suggests racial bias!" Absolutely. "That's PC!" NO. "It's not logical to simply mock my use of this term without considering context!" Sure.

2. People participating only to "spread the word". If you believe that your policy positions are perfect and you have nothing to learn, please go someplace else.

3. Debating for sport and to "win". If you care more about competition and being right than actually positive movement on the issues discussed, take up Golf, Poker, Warcraft or something. Before you write ask yourself, "Am I feeding ego here, or working toward a better understanding of the issues?"

I'll probably add more later.


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